Foundation for RACC Welcomes Four Board Members

from Reading Area Community College - Read the full article here
The Chairman of the Board for the Foundation for Reading Area Community College (RACC), Gary Moyer, and the Executive Director of the Foundation, Anthony DeMarco, are proud to announce that four Berk County community leaders have recently joined the Foundation Board for RACC as the organization takes its place among the strongest nonprofit organizations in the Mid-Atlantic region. The Foundation for RACC was named the Outstanding Foundation by the Association of Fundraising Professionals in 2022.
Kelsey Frankowski Esq., Dr. Charles Barbera, Gary Rightmire, and RACC Student Representative Latisha Kelly were elected unanimously to serve the Foundation.
“The Foundation for RACC continues to build a powerful Board befitting the largest institute of higher education in Berks County,” said DeMarco. “We are thrilled to welcome such influential leaders as Kelsey, Dr. Barbera, Gary, and Latisha as we continue our work to support our community’s college.”
RACC President, Dr. Susan Looney added, “One of the great honors in my role as president of Reading Area Community College is serving on the Foundation Board for RACC. Kelsey, Dr. Barbera, Gary, and Latisha will be superb advocates as we work together to ensure that every student committed to graduating RACC can do so.”
Kelsey Frankowski
Kelsey Frankowski is a partner in the law firm of Plank-Frankowski and focuses her practice on real estate, corporate/business, municipal, civil litigation, trusts/estates, and family law. She is a native of Berks County and a graduate of Oley Valley High School. Kelsey attended Albright College for her undergraduate work and earned her law degree at Duquesne University School of Law.
Kelsey is currently a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and a very involved member of the Berks County Bar Association. She currently serves on the Reading Public Library Foundation Board and is a co-chair of the Reading Public Library’s Cocktails & Classics Committee.
Dr. Charles Barbera
Charles F. Barbera, MD, MBA, MPH, FACEP, is president and CEO of Reading Hospital. He joined Reading Hospital in 1996 and became the Chair of Emergency Medicine in 1999, a position he held for more than 20 years. Dr. Barbera was key in the creation and accreditation of Reading Hospital’s Trauma Center. He currently oversees the administrative, clinical, and operational functions of Reading Hospital, Berks County’s tertiary care academic medical center.
Dr. Barbera is the immediate past Chair of the Pennsylvania Trauma System Foundation Board and is a member of the Gift of Life Medical Advisory and Policy Board. He previously served as the president of the Pennsylvania College of Emergency Physicians and the Berks County Medical Society and on the boards of the Autism Society of Berks County, the American Heart Association, and the Children’s Home of Reading.
He received his Doctor of Medicine from Temple University School of Medicine, his Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts from LaSalle University, his Master’s in Business Administration from Alvernia University, and his Master’s in Public Health from The George Washington University.
Gary Rightmire
Gary Rightmire moves to the Foundation Board for RACC after two distinguished terms as the Chairman of the RACC Board of Trustees, a time of unprecedented growth for the college. Gary is a longtime Berks County community leader serving as a founding member and Chair of the Berks Community Health Center Board. Gary was the Chairman of the Berks County Senior Citizens Council (Berks Encore) and two-term Chair of the State Association of the Pennsylvania Association of Public Welfare Directors. Gary also served on the Berks Community Television Board of Directors and Chair of the Administrative Committee.
The United States Department of Agriculture named Gary to several national committees, where he presented on the nationwide rollout of Electronic Benefit Transfer Technology in the Food Stamp Program. Gary was also a Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture’s Task Force member on Statewide Implementation of Electronic Benefit Transfer Technology.
Latisha Kelly
Latisha Kelly has been named the RACC Student Representative for the 2024/2025 Academic Year. Latisha is the Vice President of the Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society and currently has a 3.8 Grade Point Average, majoring in Addiction Studies/Human Services. Latisha returned to college after raising her eight children as a single mother. Upon earning her Associate’s Degree, Latisha will pursue her Bachelor’s Degree and eventually work as a counselor, helping those suffering from addiction issues while working on prevention measures.